Effects of Catnip on Humans, Animals | Ridiculous Rules About CATNIP | Growing cat’s foot | Benefits of Catnip

Catnip is a perennial herb native to Europe and Asia . It produces small white flowers and grows to a height of 1-2 feet . The leaves have a strong minty smell and taste similar to spearmint . It is best known for its calming effects on cats .

CATNIP? It ‘s easy if you do it smart

Catnip is a perennial herb native to Europe and Asia . It is commonly grown as an ornamental garden plant due to its attractive leaves and flowers . Catnip contains high amounts of catnip oil , making it a popular ingredient in cat toys and treats .

Catnip is often confused with mint ( Mentha sp .) , although they are not closely related . Catnip grows best in full sun and well- drained soil . It prefers slightly acidic soil , but tolerates alkaline conditions . Catnip seed , easily by cuttings or division is spread .

Cat seeds germinate best at temperatures between 60°F and 70°F . The seeds should be sown directly on the ground after layering . Once established the cat does not need much water , but it does need regular watering during the summer months . In colder climates , catnip may benefit from some protection from frost .

Catnip requires little maintenance once established . However , if you notice any insect problems , use an inert spray insecticide to control aphids , mites and whiteflies .

CATNIP Smackdown !
Catnip is a perennial herb native to Europe and Asia . It is known for its strong fragrance and calming effects . Catnip includes Alpha – Catnip ( Alpha – Cat ), Beta – Catnip ( Beta – Cat ) and Delta – Catnip ( Delta – Cat ). Contains chemicals called catnip compounds . _ These three catnip compounds have different effects on humans . Alpha – catnip is the strongest of the three , while beta – catnip is milder than alpha – catnip . Delta – catnip more than both alpha – catnip and beta – catnip Weak .

Alpha – catnip is commonly used in aromatherapy , and is often referred to as catmint . Beta – Catnip is commonly used in tea blends and is sometimes called cat ‘s claw . Delta-catnips effects are not well documented , but some people report relief after consuming it They inform .

Effects of catnip on humans

Catnip has been shown to have many medicinal uses , including relieving anxiety , reducing pain , and helping with insomnia . However , catnip does not work for everyone . If you experience any negative side effects , discontinue use immediately .

Effects of catnip on animals

Catnip has long been used as a natural remedy for cats . Cats love the smell of catnip and will rub their paws on it to get the full effect . When rubbed on a cat , kitten produces a euphoric state in the cat similar to that produced by marijuana .

Catnip and Marijuana

Marijuana and catnip are two completely different things . While catnip is a powerful relaxant , marijuana is a psychoactive drug that causes hallucinations and paranoia . Because of this , catnip should never be taken with marijuana .

Effect of catflies on plants

Catnip is very effective in controlling pests , especially aphids . Aphids are tiny green insects that suck sap from plants . They suck plant sap and cause damage to crops and flowers . By using catnip around your garden , you can keep them away .

Catnip is an excellent weed killer

Catnip is able to kill weeds . You can spray catnip directly on the ground or mix it with water and spray it on weeds . If you wait until early spring before planting your seeds , a catnip spray is best . If you wait until late summer or fall , It is better to spray it .

Catnip can be used to make herbicides

If you want to make your own herbicide , you can combine catnip with other herbs . Mix equal parts of catnip and pennyroyal and add some salt . Spray this mixture on unwanted plants and let it dry . Pennyroyal is a good herbicide because it kills broadleaf plants _ , but it does not harm the grasses .


Catnip is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae) . It is native to Eurasia and North America . Catnip grows best in full sun and well- drained soil rich in humus . Apart from being a culinary herb , catnip is also known for its medicinal uses .

How does it look ?

Catnip looks similar to mint , but it has larger flowers and smaller leaves than peppermint . Its leaves are heart -shaped and have a unique fragrance . The flower head has many small white or pink flowers .

Where can I find it ?

You can find cottonseed growing throughout Canada , the United States , and much of Europe . You can also buy it at nurseries and garden centers .

How do I use it ?

Catnip makes wonderful teas and infusions for treating colds , flu and allergies . It is also commonly added to potpourri mixes . To prepare the tea , steep 1 teaspoon of dried catnip leaves in hot water for 10 minutes . Strain the leaves before drinking . You make a tincture If desired , add 2 teaspoons of dried catnip to 1 cup of vodka and let sit for 4 weeks . Shake occasionally . Use 1/8 the amount of catnip per ounce of alcohol .

Why is it good for me ?

Catnip contains a chemical called nepetalactone , which helps relieve symptoms associated with colds , flu , sinusitis , and allergies . It stimulates the central nervous system and can help reduce anxiety and insomnia.

nepeta cataria catnip

Ridiculous rules about CATNIP

Catnip is a legendary herb that has been used for years to keep cats fit and healthy . It is also known as cat – tissue or cat – flower . It is an old species of the Florida pepper family , but its origin is unclear . This is in a garden in Southern California Some say it was discovered , while other researchers say it was first seen in North Carolina . It was clear that catnip could be traditionally grown in the United States , and it is one of the most popular herbs in the United States .

The rules about catnip are simple : you can only use it if your cat is under two years old . If your cat is over two years old , you can still use it , but it won’t have any effect .

You should not give kittens to a cat with any diseases such as distemper or parasitic infection . It can cause them to get sick .

When you give catnip , make sure you do n’t give more than 1 teaspoon per day . This equates to 2 tablespoons per week .

If you want to know how much catnip to give , add half a teaspoon to some water and let your cat drink it .

This is essential information for anyone looking to raise their own cat .

Tips for growing your CATNIP

CATNIP (Catnip) is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe and Asia . It is known for its calming effect on cats and dogs . And it is said to have medicinal properties for humans .

A growing cat’s foot

The best time to sow catnip seeds indoors is late winter or early spring . Sow directly into seed trays filled with potting mix . Keep the temperature at about 60 degrees Fahrenheit . Keep watering till it sprouts . When the first true leaf appears , individual seedlings Transplant in pots . Once they reach 6 inches tall , thin out weak seedlings . You should now have several strong seedlings .

To keep your catnip fresh , cut the foliage once a week . If you want to harvest some catnip flowers , pinch the flower buds before they open .

Harvesting catnip

Once your catkins begin to flower , cut them to the ground . Take the whole plant and hang it upside down in a cool , dark place for two weeks . Then dry the catnip in a warm room . Store dried catnip in airtight containers .

Benefits of Catnip

Catnip contains chemicals called nebedalactones . These chemicals relax muscles and relieve tension . Additionally , catnip helps reduce anxiety and depression . It also helps those suffering from insomnia .

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